Monday, October 04, 2004


All right, the Sprellmót was on Friday... so damn fun!!! Because I am in the party committee... skemmtinefnd... I was one of the person "in charge" of what was going on the whole day. It started at 13:30... that is when all the departments in the university went to the "downtown Akureyri" and had a cheering competition... who could get craziest, loudest and most rediculouse. Reki was wearing red and pulled a "siminn" commercial and laid down in the middle of the torg, the Nurses (Braveheart) started killing Reki with their swords and axes. Stafnbúi, the fish committee :), wore blue and did not cheer at all... well they did have a blow up doll (1 point), the teachers (Magister) were Grýlurnar... with their trash bag dresses and bows made of alluminum foil. Kumpani (sociology and legal department) dressed up as rediculouse exercisers. I have to admit, I thought Kumpani was the best... since there is no bias, right? Haha, yea, when we got to the gym where the competition went on, the madness began. What kind of madness you may ask yourself? oh, that of the greatest kind!!!! We started with live fussball, then plastic wrap... where a group of people were wound together with plastic wrap and made run across the gym, drink a beer, and run back. This great game was of my grand creation. Then there was relay called "skota hlaup" or "shot run" where the team had to run 1/2 way across the gym, take 1 shot of Jagermeister, run to the other end, run 10 times around a pole, run back dizzy to the other end, crawl between the legs of the next component for him to go. I will tell you that I got a fuckin Jager shower!!! during this event. It was crazy! People were so competative! Haha, then there was the Limbo, which we all know is just gumby, the Tug of War... reipitog, and the eating competition... which was straight up nasty! We had fishpudding, Fiskibúðíng, which was covered with green food coloring... and believe you me, it was not a single puney can, it was a huge one! You icelanders must know what i´m talking about... americans, it´s like maybe bigger than a Campbell´s family size can of soup. HUGE! along with this, they had to drink 1 beer. Oh the beautiful Lager! This was the final competition, and after that, everyone was pushed out and I got to cleaning. woohoo! When the night falls... I will love you.... Yea right, that evening there was a singing competition... one contestant from each department. And guess who was up on the stage introducing, making jokes and lookin cute? YOU GOT IT... HILDUR!!! oh, you who guessed wrong suck. Well, I was there on stage introducing with my friend Sólveig, and by the end of the night... I just had to scratch that annoying itch... AND SANG "I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE" by The Darkness. Ah ha! The greatest thing of all was that I know maybe 2 lines in the song... and æ æ æ. It was great though. The band Douglas Wilson played and they were great. I score on you to go see their homepage. Great times, oh, I partied like crazy with my cousin Egil! This was like the 2nd time I meet him and he´s just crazy fun!!! I was kinda a loner that night though... but i thought it was fine. Oh by the way, my feet were killing me like crazy! I have never been in such pain because of some damn shoes my entire life... oh but I love them!
I wanna dadadadadada
kv. Hildur Sólveig