Tuesday, September 27, 2005

IcElAnDic bOys aCcoRdinG tO 1 RusSiaN

- "And what do you think of the Icelandic boys?"
- "They´re frozen."

This question was directed to an exchange student here at HA on the trip on Saturday. Frozen. Hmm, what... when you kiss them it´s like you stick your tounge on a frosted pole, you get stuck and impossible to get away unless you rip yourself off? Interesting.
Wouldn´t that suck though if you were kissing a guy, need to gasp for some air and... woop... you´re stuck! You can´t get off him. What a conniving trick! So, when someone says you´re cold as ice, that really means that they just can´t get enough of you... The world is so much clearer now!

What single word can a girl say to get a guy to think about sex in a milisecond?
- "Hello."
Not much more needed than that.

What a great world we live in :)


Sunday, September 25, 2005

snow, moss and a little comedy

aight... the trip to the country was fly... christmas snow and all... hljóðklettar was gorgeous! Pictures will come in later... nature+ beer+ hotdogs+ guitar= ONE HELL OF A TIME.
So yea, it's still snowing here... it's been snowing nonstop for what feels like A WEEK! Kræstnes! Very very rómó though...
I still haven´t heard anything about my hot-diggity test... pff, surprise surprise... (probably didn´t pass)
Kate Moss appologized to her family for her whole coke abuse thing... and who said it´s so good to be famous? I would never want to be famous. My little life is all I need. I don´t need people snooping around me trying to get some fake information out of me and publishing all the bullshit I say. What good lives we all live. Some people on the other hand think it´s AWESOME to be famous or know someone of that class. Those are the type of people that would sleep with a star... just because they´re famous. Colin Farrell anyone? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! wicked wicked wicked. ;)

the betrayer

Friday, September 23, 2005

first snow

The ground is now a little white
which means that I just might
drive out to the country tomorrow and look at the sight
the beauty of the earth my soul will delight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


5 Facts about me...

1. After I finish law school I want to be a pilot, an artist, a mum, a musician and live in Africa.
2. I believe the lyrics in the Beatles tell us all there is to know about life.
3. I get pissed off when people drive by me when I'm walking to the same destination as them in the snow.
4. I'm not embarrassed by how little I can play the guitar, actually... I think it's a damn good amount.
5. I secretly watch Bold and the Beautiful even if it is "RUGLAÐ"... alone...

I further KlUkKa...
Grétu í Kumpána, Möggu Stínu Laganema, Jón Smári capitalisti, Sólveig Fríðu
og hann Einar Karl
Ef ég klukka ykkur, þá þurfið þið að lista 5 "staðreyndir" um sjálfa ykkur... og senda svo á 5 í viðbót... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
the bastard

Sunday, September 18, 2005

--- musical weekend ---

I love postcards! Leah has already sent me 2 postcards! All from the beautiful island of Jamestown, Virginia. People don't take the time anymore and send postcards... so when you finally get one, it's like the first time you ever got an email! Wonderful.
Anyways, I saw Bubbi on Thursday. WONDERFUL! He is such a great musician. I wish more people were musicians. It's like people can communicate so much better through songs, whether it's through the text, the force of the song, or the melody, people can express such different emotions. Writing songs and poems for example often seems to be a kind of therapy for people. Bubbi has definitely used his music to get away from his crazy life. I went with Sólveig, she teared up a couple of times ;) It was beautiful.
Stuðmenn were playing on Friday. That was a free-be because domus I think it was, opened their offices that day here in Akureyri. It was a blast... a lot of uni-people there. I mean, come on, IT WAS FREE! Good times.

I have to study now, a busy weekend equals HEAVY studying.

-the music analyst

Friday, September 16, 2005

This was the aftermath of CHRIS GOODE and co.

Yes, as we can see... the "hryggur" that my father brought from the Klake... did not get the correct treatment that it should have gotten. BBQ sauce all over the place. Yummy :os

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Comparative Constitutional Law

All right... so class with the Faroe Islands guy has started. Who knows where the Faroe Islands are?

Sunday, September 11, 2005


DA DA DA DA DA... DOOMSDAY TOMORROW!!!! Man oh man am I nervous! The test that I have been dreading all summer is finally going to take place tomorrow, Monday the 12. of September at 13:00 Icelandic time. EEKS! Wish me luck.
and P.S. if it doesn't work out... then I'm going to become a nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land, making all my nowhere plans for nobody.

Monday, September 05, 2005

and the nEiGhBouR gets angry

Why is it that the United States, the country that holds the worlds millionairs, NO billionairs, was unable to help a massive area from devistation when in need? I talked to my mum today and she was telling me how this one man from California filled up his airplane with water and supplies, and took it to New Orleans, taking some families with children back with him to CA. Where are the rest of those types of people. I know he´s not the only one who has a private jet in the US of A. I know it´s maybe wrong of me to put the pressure on American´s, but it is the duty of those who have more (this is at least my opinion) to give more. Especially in a time of need... people need help there and the weight is only shifted onto the military? Whatever happened to brotherly love, oh stupid me... we´re not talking of Philadelphia.
No but seriously, do people care about their neighbours like they tell ya in Bible Class?

Now that is the question of the century, where the fuck was that red neck?


angry neighbour

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Jæja, ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða Blogsíðu Þemis- Félags Laganema við HA, þá er síðan
Ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða blogsíðu Kumpána, Félag Félagsvísinda og Laganema við HA, þá er sú síða
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A response to Leah´s comment ;)

HEHE, yea they call that a millipede... i do believe so yes. Here in Iceland we do not have that problem because it´s so fucking cold here ALREADY!! Yes, believe it or not, but the mountains already have snow on them and it´s chilly chilly chilly. Not good stuff. But hey, no damn bugs, that´s for sure... except for Fred, he´s my pet fly that I keep stuffed on my windowsill. Well, actually it´s not stuffed, just dead. But, he keeps me company when I´m studying, doesn´t make any noise except when I blow at him and the wind coming out of my mouth makes his wings rustle a little bit. Then when I get lonely, I pretend he´s Leah or Anna, and I talk talk talk talk talk. Yeps, no more calls to the US of A... just little talks with my pet fly. Gotta love it.
The Fly Whisperer