Friday, June 02, 2006

First day... over and out!

All right guys.... I am officially a business woman.
how crazy is that? Definitely a bit crazy!
So, who will be the first to visit me? REMEMBER GUYS... IT'S A RACE!
I would put my bets on Jeremiah, because he's going up to Jersey, so why not stop by D.C. on the way. Well, unless he flies there, because I think he will. That brat ;)
I have taken everything out of my suitcase, out of all the bags, and my good ole lap-top has it's place on the table. Oh my oh my, I am officially living in D.C. now. Speaking of, I'm invited to a "Good-bye" party on Saturday for one of the guys at work. That will be interesting... little ole Hildur with so many, oh so many business men. Good times!!! I'll have to keep ya'll posted.
Well, I'm just about starving, so I think the most obviouse and smart thing to do is go eat. HEYR HEYR! Speaking of food... ALL MY ICELANDERS... they have skyr here! Not only do they have Skyr, but they also have Icelandic water and Icelandic lamb and Icelandic FISH! Whoa man, watch out ya'll, homegirls gonna be BROKE AS A JOKE when she comes back to the klake!

aight, peace


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hafðu það gott í höfuðborginni, elsku dúllan mín, og gangi þér vel í nýju vinnunni. Knús Hafrún

  2. Dagný Rut said...

    Úlalaaaa! Geturu bara ekki nælt þér í einn svona business-gæja? Einhvern myndalegan og vel klæddan! En gangi þér vel esskan.. og borðaðu nú nóg af skyri! Það er svo hollt.. ;)