Friday, June 16, 2006

on my birthday...

All right... don´t have much time, but I´m gonna tell ya´ll what I did on my birthday. Leah was not able to come up to Washington due to "car problems"... yeps, I´ve heard that excuse before ;) hahah.... so therefore I decided to just go the bar after work and watch the rest of the Germany-Poland soccer game. I go there, have myself a Guiness, watch the game and was satisfied with the outcome. Then after the game, I go further into the bar and sit at the bar. I talk on the phone, Arni tells me some pick-up lines that I´m to use on guys, Einar told me I had to make friends... so what do I do... SIT MYSELF DOWN AT A TABLE AND START TALKING TO THIS GUY. So we were talking, he was like some army guy blah blah blah, talk a little more about something... he kept on asking me if I knew what he was talking about, I had no bloody clue... and then he started tearing up. HAHAHAHA
I MADE A 36 (OR 26 ... i couldn´t understand him) MAN CRY ON MY BIRTHDAY!
I don´t know how I did it but, his eyes seriously started getting wet, and then he would rub his eyes and stuff... crazy crazy crazy man! DA-DA-DA-DA-DAMN!
Well, if that´s not enough to make you smile and brighten your day... then I don´t know what will. Oh the fun things that happen on my birthday!

-the 21 year old who made a man almost half her age cry


  1. Dagný Rut said...

    HAHAHAHAHAA en frábært afmæli. En hvað.. fékkstu ekki símann hjá honum? Ha!? Ég meina svona menn eru ekki á hverju strái.. menn sem eru svona agalega mikið í tengslum við tilfinningar sínar!! En hvað segja svo mormónarnir?

  2. Vala Rún said...


  3. Hildur Sólveig said...

    isss piss... þessi maður var hálf skrítin skal ég segja ykkur! HOLY MOLY. En mormónarnir eru... spes ;) PERFECT FOR ME! haahhaha!

  4. Anonymous said...

    is that sarcasm in your voice??!!!! come fix my tire, puhlease.