Saturday, June 03, 2006

high heels, mormans, educated posts?

High heels... walking tons and getting lost in the streets of washington? Good Idea? NO
My feet are officially giving up on me... I like HAVE to wear socks just to get the damn swelling down. Big Foot is my middle name now, screw the Sólveig, unless it means HUGES FEET! So yea, Hildur decided to go a new way home... not get off at the metro station that I used last time, but another one. Stupid stupid stupid. I knew I should´ve asked directions before I started my wandering. AND WANDERING I DID. I like basically walked a circle around the place where I´m staying. What a bright little girl... walking in her high healed shoes, dying of heat.
Well, I can tell you something new that I did this evening. I prayed with Mormans. Never has that happened... Dagný, this is all your fault. I jinxed myself because you didn´t wish me luck with them! Whoa man. Maybe I´ll come back to Iceland as a Morman. HAHAH! That would be pretty awesome... eh?
Well, I´m totally in the blogging mood these days, so ya´ll better keep up! God forbid you guys miss some of my immensly knowledgable thoughts.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hi, I wpuolud love to meet mee some time soone:D Call me if youre in in the land of Ice :D

    miss you, Elís

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hi, I wpuolud love to meet mee some time soone:D Call me if youre in in the land of Ice :D

    miss you, Elís

  3. Anonymous said...

    Allt er þá þrennt er :D

    Hi, I wpuolud love to meet mee some time soone:D Call me if youre in in the land of Ice :D

    miss you, Elís

  4. Hildur Sólveig said...

    whoa... easy there elís! haha

  5. Vala Rún said...

    halló HALLÓ! verðum að skypast bráðum ef þú ert ekki of bissí bissness konan þín;) hehe... ég er alla vega komin á klakann en þú náttla stungin af þá! en já aldrei að vita, kannski maður kíki bara í heimsókn..væri svooo freistandi! ciaooo;)

  6. Anonymous said...

    HAHAHA þú ert svo einstök elskan mín. Sé þig alveg í anda þrammandi um stræti höfuðborgarinnar......:)

  7. Anonymous said...

    I don't know what you're talking've always had gigantic feet! Just kidding... I'm happy to see that you eventually made your way home the other day. Did any of your victims help guide you in the right direction? And what's this talk about praying with Mormons?

  8. Vala Rún said...

    Hildur, ég bíð eftir einhverjum krassandi sögum úr usa!!!;) sakna þín skvís... ciao!