This is a SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD day for the whole world. The date, 3. November, 2004, the day after the United States Presidential Elections. It´s down to Ohio, but the probability that Hitler, oops sorry I mean #1 terrorist and worst thing since the genocide of the Jews, the "man" who calls himself Bush will succeed and take the "throne" of being president one more time is fairly high. People, all people around the world, should now ask themselves.... HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?? I know that that is what I am asking myself. In my little bubble of denial I am hoping that Republicans are secretly hiding their intention of trying to get Hillary Clinton into office after 4 years. I do not understand how people could actually want a man who has killed his own people, people from Europe and people in the Middle East... anyone care to inform me? His lies- oil, weapons of mad distruction and terrorism- have made the view of the world apon America not good. Why then would citizens of the United States want to make themselves even more unpopular by voting for the same jack ass one more time? The thing is that now that the US actually agreed and voted for this man again, means that now there is no defence for the citizens of the US to say that this man did a terrible thing(s). They are in a sense saying that they agreed with what this man did. Does this remind us of anything? Perhaps the denial that the Germans had when Hitler was in power? THIS CANNOT STAND. How do the Republicans let some ass on strings who plays doll in the White House be the representative of the most powerful country of the world? Then there are those who think that the US can rule the whole world without the opinion of Europe. We should all know by now that diversity is the key to a fruitful life. You do not grow without getting new and more information to adapt and grow from. This is so important for people to realize. For people´s information, I am have lived more than half of my life in the US and live now in Iceland, so I do not believe anyone can tell me I don´t know what I´m talking about. I have both the American and European views of what has been going on in Afghanistan, Palestine and Irac. I do not understand what people do... But, I will tell you all now... It is now a battle for freedom. This Christmas you will most definatly see Hildur wearing her fu*k Bush shirt, because NO ONE WILL TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM OF SPEACH, NO ONE WILL TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND NO ONE WILL TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM TO BE ME!!! I think it´s rediculous that we are having to battle these ideas and restrictions in 2004!! I ask everyone to take a stand and do not let the ideas of the Bush Administration weigh you down. Keep you goals to make a better world and do not give in to the sharks.
For everyone´s information, this is my opinion and my opinion only. If anyone has a problem with this, then try to explain to me how the poverty, lies and scandles of the Bush administration can be good. This is what I would like to hear. Now I will say that this sad sad day will be recorded and viewed as a big mistake in a few years, and dear God, I do not know why people act the way they do. TERRIBLE!
Hildur Sólveig
aka "the sad blogger" |