a tint of lawyer shining through...
So Saddam Hussein has been talking shit in court these past days... not happy about the treatment that he has been getting. I don´t believe the shiites in Dujail were happy about getting killed either.
No but on the more serious note, should those who are awaiting trial not be treated as innocent? Innocent until proven guilty? This is a mentality that we sould all like to believe that we follow, but how many of us feel that way towards Saddam Hussein. Should he be treated with the same "respect" or innocence as anyone else awaiting trial? Innocent until proven guilty. According to law, he has not yet been proven guilty, and therefore should be considered innocent. Is the treatment he´s getting now according to this mentality?
Not many people follow the case enough to be able to say what is innocent and what is not. They post a guilty sign on him from the beginning without even really understanding the arguments of both sides. Isn´t that a bit naive?
Saddam Hussein is said to have done a lot of bad things, but I believe that people should have all the information before they form their opinion. Listen and "understand" the argument of the defense. If one does this, one will be able to argue their opinion of the case.
I therefore encourage everyone to pay attention to the Sadam Hussein case, try to follow foreign news rather than US news... this is probably the biggest case of the decade, FOLLOW it, UNDERSTAND it and FORM AN OPINION on it.
Hildur the lawyer